SKSA – Sewage Combination Air Release Valve Anti-shock type

SKSA – Sewage Combination Air Release Valve Anti-shock type

Spec Sheet: SKSA – Sewage Combination Air Release Valve Anti-shock type


1. Large air release during the filling of the pipeline by anti-shock orifice.

2. Small air release under a pressurized pipeline.

3. Large air intake during draining of the pipeline.


SKSA – Sewage Combination Air Release Valve Anti-shock type


Advanced design with a simple mechanism, strong float to prevent cracking during sudden water hammer & quick closure.

Aerokinetic mechanism to resist blow shut under higher air velocity even up to a sonic air velocity.

With a special fat body design to lower the sewage water flow speed, and let the air out but keep sewage water underneath.

Keep dirty or corrosive liquid inside the body for safety during operation and no harm to humans & surrounding environment.

Internal body guide and upper round wall keep floating on its rail and keep liquid turbulence flowing within this area.

Much bigger airflow through the nozzle even for higher viscosity liquid. 

Outside screens will be an option for safety and to prevent insects or birds.

Fully fusion epoxy coated inside and outside valve body for long-term services.

Manufacturing standard meets or exceeds BS EN 1074-4, AWWA C512

– Flange drilling and dimension meets BS EN 1092 BS EN 558 and ANSI flange.

General Application:
For sewage water system.

Technical Data:

Size Range: DN50
Pressure Ratings: 1.0Mpa,1.6Mp(Thread)
Working Temperature:-10C- 80C
Suitable Media: Sewage Water
Please consult the factory for PN25 and anti-shock device whenever there is a water hammer issue


SKSA - Sewage Combination Air Release Valve Anti-shock type